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November 28, 2005


Julie Ruston

Just finished reading your blog entry on the IBM Internet Division....thanks for taking the time to share your insight & thoughts on that very important phase in IBM...very useful summary for all IBM'ers to read....JR

Bill Higgins

Hi Irving, I don't believe that the Internet Division exists anymore. I'm wondering if you'd let us know which current IBM groups grew out of the Internet Division? My guess is the Emerging Technologies group, but that's just a guess.

jeff paul internet business

Your post has on internet marketing is definitely true. Internet marketing has opened new ways of attracting visitors to the website giving the webmasters a way of earning cash as well as web status. Let's see what the future holds for internet marketing.

jeff paul internet business

Your post has on internet marketing is definitely true. Internet marketing has opened new ways of attracting visitors to the website giving the webmasters a way of earning cash as well as web status. Let's see what the future holds for internet marketing.

Jeff Paul Internet Business

I run my blogs on a blogspot and I find optimizing my blogs very difficult. The amount of comments I receive really messes up my SEO activities and I end losing valuable visitors.

I have just been told by Chris from Google Shadow that the price is going to increase in the next 24 hours Visit Google Shadow Apparently, demand for Shadow has been so great that Chris has decided to draw a line in the sand and say "enough is enough"... And* remember*, if you fail to take action today, you will be locked out and forced to pay the higher price every single month if you later decide to join. Secondly, Friday sees the release of an unannounced one- off bonus that will disappear forever when...


I Just moved to my SWEET open-space apartment overlooking the East River. Instead of going to Ikea or wal mart and beginning to haul and (even worse) begin to put together one of these crazy things, I found my [url=http://www.milesgershon.com][b]Entertainment Center[/b][/url] on MilesGershon.com, these guys emailed me jpegs of my entertainment unit in all different angles, (which for me was important, because I wanted to know how the inside of the [url=http://www.milesgershon.com/wall-unit.html/][b]Wall Unit[/b][/url] would look like. Anyways: I make the order and (finally) as promised 10 days later, my unit arrives, the guys put it together, and then ask me to sign off on the installation, then they take out the boxes and made sure the area was clean. I thought customer service was dead in the age of the internet. Hats off to these guys. I urge you all to put out a recommendation on folks that actually provide some level of good service these days. I'm happy to write a POSITIVE review for a change!



Bill Bartmann

Excellent site, keep up the good work

Jeff Paul Shortcut to internet

Internet having direct impact on business , In order to become more challenging and productive its worth to change with tecchnological advancements .


Great point!


Hi Jeff try to upload unique content to your blog.
That will help for sure!

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