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December 10, 2006


Francois Diarma

I would like to thank you for your wonderful blog. However, I would like to ask a serious question. A few years ago, senior level IBM executives visited with my employer, extolling the virtues of open source and Linux. As a longtime IBM customer, we enthusiastically embraced both, and now run most new applications on Red Hat Enterprise Linux - it has become our global standard.

This has meant a significant diminution in our interactions with IBM, as we now look to Red Hat for key technology direction. And they're obviously in conflict with IBM on most items, and have a considerable lock over software direction specifically.

How can you defend this transition as good for customers? Or good for IBM? I understand how it's benefited Red Hat - but I'm less clear on how it benefits us as a customer, or IBM as a supplier.

Hey great post, I'm adding you to my list of blogs to keep up with. Please feel free to use (w/credit to the site) any of my executive leadership development program tools for training for your posts/content. :-)

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