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September 10, 2007



"You need the ability to identify potential innovations before others do."--Absolutely !!! As a master graduate, while others of my research group are only focusing on finishing tasks by advisor, I make use of my spare time reading books on ArtificalIntelligence, econometrics, Principles of management and so on, which I think would be useful in studying the Interdisciplinary of my major and thus, would provide a better life for we human beings!!

Ian Smith


I think you might be interested in this remarkable 20 minute talk about creativity and education, by Sir Ken Robinson:


His style is very entertaining, and he explains with great clarity how and why the education system often manages to stifle creativity. A very worthwhile investment of 20 minutes, in my opinion. I would be interested to hear your thoughts.

lineage 2 adena

To succeed in such a world, you need the ability to analyze and solve problems, including ones you never saw before. You need the ability to identify potential innovations before others do

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